Showing 201-220 of 715 items.
Laurentina Maria da Cruz Vareiro, Bruno Miguel SousaThe importance of museums in the tourist development and the motivations of their visitors: an analysis of the Costume Museum in Viana do Castelo2021
Laurentina Maria da Cruz VareiroThe memorable consumer experience in luxury hotels: The case of the le monumental palace hotel2021
Laurentina Maria da Cruz Vareiro, Maria Alexandra Pereira da Silva MalheiroSatisfaction and Return to Local Festivities: The Case Study of the Festa das Cruzes (Barcelos)2021
Laurentina Maria da Cruz Vareiro, Maria Alexandra Pereira da Silva MalheiroAuthenticity and motivations in traditional events: The case of the festival of the crosses2021
Laurentina Maria da Cruz Vareiro, Bruno Miguel SousaRiver tourism and local development in demarcated regions and the winegrowing context: A theoretical contribution2021
Ricardo Jorge CorreiaCommitment to exporting as an antecedent of organizational skills and firm performance2021
António Borges FernandesReinforcement contingencies of innovative behaviour: Antecedent and consequent factors2021
Ana Paula Martins da SilvaPerceptions regarding the implementation of International Financial Reporting Standards in Portugal and Brazil2021
Ana Paula Martins da SilvaLongitudinal perceptions of enforcement mechanisms in an ifrs-based accounting reform2021
Catarina FernandesThe impact of board characteristics and CEO power on banks risk-taking: stable versus crisis periods2021
Catarina FernandesExploring the conceptual structure of the research on innovation in hotels through co-word analysis2021
Orlando Manuel Martins M. Lima RuaOpen innovation and competitive advantage on the hospitality sector: The role of organizational strategy2021
Orlando Manuel Martins M. Lima RuaPractices and mechanisms to mitigate the negative effects of accounting-based earnings management: An empirical study from the professionals perspective2021
Orlando Manuel Martins M. Lima RuaTransformational leadership and individual performance in the Portuguese technological sector2021
Orlando Manuel Martins M. Lima RuaOverview on creativity and entrepreneurship in creative industries2021
Nuno Filipe Lopes MoutinhoThe effect of borrower country financial system and corporate governance system types on the spread of syndicated loans2021
Orlando Manuel Martins M. Lima RuaCreativity in fundraising on non-governmental organisations2021
Orlando Manuel Martins M. Lima RuaSustainable entrepreneurship and barriers: A comparison of perceived barriers in portugal and Slovenia2021
Orlando Manuel Martins M. Lima RuaPersonal branding on social media: The role of influencers2021