Showing 1-20 of 1,111 items.
Elaine Cristina Borges Scalabrini, Nuno Filipe Lopes MoutinhoLearning by Doing Experience: Students Motivations and Perceptions of a Blended Intensive Programme2025
Isabel Maria LopesEnvironmental Awareness and Sustainable Consumption Among Portuguese University Students from Generation Z2025
Bruno Miguel SousaCommunicating and Differentiating in the Cultural Context of Fashion Segments2025
Bruno Miguel SousaMuseums and Education: Gamification Applied to the Enhancement of Railway Heritage2025
Bruno Miguel SousaThe Influence of Resilience on the Digital Resilience of Higher Education Students: Preliminary Insights2025
Oscarina Susana Vilela da Conceição, Cândida MachadoAutomation and the Importance of Reskilling Workers: A Case Study in the Automotive Industry2024
João Paulo Ramos TeixeiraSpeaker Verification onSmall Datasets withResNet502024
Márcia Marina Rodrigues Brito DuarteWhen Supervision is Abusive: What Explains it and What are the Consequences?2024
Márcia Marina Rodrigues Brito Duarte, Oscarina Susana Vilela da ConceiçãoWhat Does Employee Silence Mean? The Role of Organizational Climate and Burnout2024
Paula Odete Fernandes, Alcina Maria de Almeida R. Nunes, Jorge Afonso Alves, Nuno Adriano Baptista Ribeiro, António Borges Fernandes, Le Quyen Nguyen Drivers of Financial Efficiency for Portuguese Food Industry Through Crises2024
Paula Odete Fernandes, Isabel Maria LopesAcceptance of Wearables: A Comparative Study Between Portugal and Brazil2024
Sandra Vieira VasconcelosSensory Panel Training: Developing Hospitality Students Analytical and Research Skills2024
Natacha Jesus SilvaThe Legal Research Methodology as a Method for Researching in Business Area: A Case Study Applied to Gymnasiums2024
Sónia Paula NogueiraAnalysis of Citizen Satisfaction in Municipal Services2024
Dália Filipa Veloso de Azevedo Liberato, Pedro Manuel da Costa Liberato, Cristina Isabel Lourenço RodriguesAccessibility in Tourism: Optimizing the Tourism Experience Through Social Sustainability Interpretation2024
Dália Filipa Veloso de Azevedo Liberato, Pedro Manuel da Costa LiberatoSpecificities of Thermalism in Health Tourism: The Mediating Role of the Territory2024
Dália Filipa Veloso de Azevedo Liberato, Pedro Manuel da Costa LiberatoNazar: From Coastal Cultural Landscape to Unique TourismBranding2024
Dália Filipa Veloso de Azevedo Liberato, Pedro Manuel da Costa Liberato, Elga Cristina Vilela Viana Pereira da CostaStrategic Approach to Thermal Tourism During and After Covid-192024
Dália Filipa Veloso de Azevedo Liberato, Pedro Manuel da Costa LiberatoBusiness Tourism Development in the Fashion Industry2024
Isabel Maria LopesImplementation of the General Regulation on Data Protection In the Intermunicipal Community of Douro, Portugal2024