Showing 1-20 of 699 items.
Carlos Rompante da Cunha, Elisabete da Anunciação Paulo Morais

Cunha, C.R., Gomes, J.P., Fernandes, J., Morais, E.P. (2020). Building Smart Rural Regions: Challenges and Opportunities. In: Rocha, Á., Adeli, H., Reis, L., Costanzo, S., Orovic, I., Moreira, F. (eds) Trends and Innovations in Information Systems and Technologies. WorldCIST 2020. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1161. Springer, Cham.

Jorge Afonso Alves

Martins, C., Vaz, C. & Alves, J. (2019). Comparison of Financial Performance between Branded and Nonbranded Hotel Companies using Composite Indicator. 34th IBIMA Conference. Madrid, November.

António Borges Fernandes

Fernandes, A., Vaz, C.B., Monte, A.P. (2018). Efficiency and Capital Structure in Portuguese SMEs. In: Vaz, A., Almeida, J., Oliveira, J., Pinto, A. (eds) Operational Research. APDIO 2017. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, vol 223. Springer, Cham.

Ricardo Alexandre Fontes Correia

Sadaghashvil, A., & Correia, R. (2018). Impact of service recovery on online negative reviews: the case of hospitality industry. In 32nd International Business Information Management Association Conference (pp. 3460-3472). International Business Information Management Association.

Paula Odete Fernandes

Fernandes, F., Fernandes, P. O., Pacheco, M. F., & Pereira, A. I. (2010, November). Notice of Retraction: Students' attitudes towards EureKit exhibition and mathematical games: Case study. In 2010 International Conference on Education and Management Technology (pp. 87-91). IEEE.

Fernanda Amélia Fernandes Ferreira, Fernando Flávio Ribeiro Oliveira Ferreira

 Ferreira, F. A., & Ferreira, F. (2018). Privatization and government preference in a differentiated Cournot triopoly. 2nd International Conference on Mathematical Methods and Computational Techniques in Science and Engineering (MMCTSE), (Vol. 1982, p. UNSP 020025). Melville: Amer Inst Physics.

Paula Odete Fernandes

Gonçalves, A., de Oliveira, R. A., & Fernandes, P. O. (2021). Protective Equipment Applicable to a Centralized Cytostatic Preparation Unit. Procedia Computer Science196, 663-672.

Isabel Maria Lopes

Ribeiro, M.I.B., Fernandes, A.J.G., Lopes, I.M. (2021). Smart Tourism: A Bibliometric Analysis of Scientific Publications from the Scopus and Web of Science Databases. In: Abreu, A., Liberato, D., González, E.A., Garcia Ojeda, J.C. (eds) Advances in Tourism, Technology and Systems. ICOTTS 2020. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, vol 209. Springer, Singapore.

Paula Odete Fernandes, Jessica Patrícia Miranda Ferreira, Ana Cristina Brás Silvério

Silvério, A.C., Ferreira, J., Fernandes, P.O. (2022). The Backpacker’s Identity and Emotional Experience: A Systematic Literature Review with Bibliometric Analysis. In: Carvalho, J.V.d., Liberato, P., Peña, A. (eds) Advances in Tourism, Technology and Systems. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, vol 284 (pp. 23-35). Springer, Singapore.

Paula Odete Fernandes

Przybyszewski, J., Fernandes, P. O., & Magalhaes Niada, A. C. (2017). Tourism competitiveness among brazilian regions. Anais Brasileiros De Estudos Turisticos-ABET7(2), 65-81.

Bruno Miguel Sousa

Sousa, B, Casais, B., Malheiro, A & Simões, C. (2015, May 20-21).  A afetividade e o processo de tomada de decisão no turismo de peregrinação. International Conference on Innovation Entrepreneurship in Marketing and Consumer behaviour, Lisbon, Portugal.

Bruno Miguel Sousa

Sousa, B., Casais, B., Malheiro, M. A. & Simões, C. (2016, May 20-21). A afetividade e o processo de tomada de decisão no turismo de peregrinação: Caminhos de Santiago [Paper presentation]. 3rd International Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Marketing & Consumer Behaviour (ICIEMC), Lisbon, Portugal.

Isabel Maria Lopes

Ribeiro, M.I.B., Fernandes, A.J.G., Lopes, I.M., Fernandes, A.P.R. (2021). A Bibliometric Analysis About the Use of ICT in the Agricultural Sector. In: Guarda, T., Portela, F., Santos, M.F. (eds) Advanced Research in Technologies, Information, Innovation and Sustainability. ARTIIS 2021. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1485. Springer, Cham.

Carlos Rompante da Cunha

Gomes, J.P., Cunha, C.R., Noira, G., Santos, A. (2021). A Cloud-Based IoT Approach to Support Infrastructure Monitoring Needs by Public Civil Protection Organizations. In: Rocha, Á., Adeli, H., Dzemyda, G., Moreira, F., Ramalho Correia, A.M. (eds) Trends and Applications in Information Systems and Technologies . WorldCIST 2021. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1367. Springer, Cham.

Paula Odete Fernandes

Miranda, N., Fernandes, P., Pimenta, R. (2013, June 20-21) A Competitividade Turística da Região Oeste de Portugal: Análise de Mercados Emissores [Paper presentation]. 19.º Congresso da APDR - Place-Based Policies and Economic Recovery, Braga, Portugal. ISBN: 978-989-96353-8-8

Nuno Adriano Baptista Ribeiro

Ribeiro, Nuno & Jorge, Susana (2014, February 6-8). A conjuntura político-ideológica influencia o endividamento dos municípios portugueses?. In XXIV Jornadas Luso-Espanholas de Gestão Científica. Leiria, Portugal.

Nuno Adriano Baptista Ribeiro

Fernandes, W., Nogueira, S., & Ribeiro, N. (2015, September 30 - October 2). A Contabilidade Pública em São Tomé e Príncipe: Situação Atual e Perspetivas Futuras [Paper presentation]. In XVIII Congreso AECA. “Innovación e internacionalización: factores de éxito para la pyme”. Cartagena, Espanha. [ISBN: 978-84-16286-14-0].

Amélia Maria Martins Pires

Pires, A. M. M., Rodrigues, F. J. P. A., & Pereira, H. F. R. M. (2014, February 6-8). A definição das políticas contabilísticas e a sua relação com as principais forças da envolvente. XXIV Jornadas Hispano-Lusas de Gestão Científica, Leiria - Portugal.


Pereira, J. P., & Ferreira, M. (2018). A demonstration of an application of the Bertrand Network: Guessing the distribution of buyers within the market. 18th Conference of the Portuguese Association of Information Systems, Santarém, Portugal. 

Paula Odete Fernandes, Amélia Maria Martins Pires

Carvalho, C S. T. M., Pires, A. M. M. & Fernandes, P. O. (2015, June 11-12). A Diretiva 2013/34/U.E.: principais alterações e previsíveis impactos da sua transposição [Conference session]. XV Congresso Internacional de Contabilidade e Auditoria. Coimbra, Portugal.