Showing 1-20 of 183 items.
Bruno Miguel Sousa The Role of Digital Marketing and Online Relationship Quality in Social Tourism: A Tourism for All Case Study2020
Paula Odete Fernandes, João Paulo Ramos TeixeiraA Data como Índice no Modelo de Redes Neuronais Artificiais para Previsão de Séries Temporais de Turismo - Aplicação à Região da Madeira2011
Paula Odete FernandesAcademic entrepreneurship framework: The best practices of bragana polytechnic institute2013
Paula Odete FernandesAcademic Entrepreneurship Framework: The Best Practices of IPB2013
Oscarina Susana Vilela da ConceiçãoAcademic entrepreneurship in Portugal: Case study of academic spin-off companies2022
Oscarina Susana Vilela da ConceiçãoAcademic entrepreneurship in Portugal: Case study of academic spin-off companies2020
Fernanda Amélia Fernandes Ferreira, Daniela MenesesActions and strategies on hotel websites: Case study of 4 and 5 star hotels in Porto and Northern Region2020
Paula Odete FernandesAgenda Estratégica dos Territorios de Fronteira Interior/Transmontana2013
Paula Odete Fernandes, Alcina Maria de Almeida R. NunesAgrotourism as an opportunity to enhance the development and competitiveness of rural areas2019
Ricardo Alexandre Fontes CorreiaAI Innovation in Services Marketing2024
Ricardo Alexandre Fontes Correia, Márcio Domingos Alves Ribeiro MartinsAI innovations for travel and tourism2024
João Paulo Ramos TeixeiraAlzheimer's disease recognition with artificial neural networks2013
João Paulo Ramos TeixeiraAlzheimer's electroencephalogram event scalp and source localization2015
Bruno Miguel SousaAn Approach on Attachment in Public Marketing and Higher Education Management Contexts2019
Bruno Miguel SousaAn Approach on Place Attachment, Involvement and Behavioural Intentions in Iberian Marketing Contexts: The Case of Galicia-North Portugal Euroregion: An Abstract2019
Fernanda Amélia Fernandes FerreiraAn economical model for dumping2011
Nino Valério Matos da FonsecaAn introduction to meta-regression analysis2022
Ricardo Alexandre Fontes CorreiaArtificial intelligence and the tourism film: Challenges and possibilities2024
Ricardo Alexandre Fontes Correia, Márcio Domingos Alves Ribeiro MartinsArtificial intelligence and visitors' spatiotemporal behaviour: A critical literature review and directions for future research2024
Alexandra Isabela Lopes CorreiaAssessing the Potential for Tourism Development: Northern Portugal as a Surf Destination2022