Showing 1-20 of 85 items.
Paula Odete FernandesAcademic entrepreneurship framework: The best practices of bragana polytechnic institute2013
Bruno Miguel SousaAn Approach on Place Attachment, Involvement and Behavioural Intentions in Iberian Marketing Contexts: The Case of Galicia-North Portugal Euroregion: An Abstract2019
Sérgio Dominique Ferreira LopesBenchmarking and Rebranding a Handcraft Brand2021
Sérgio Dominique Ferreira LopesBrand Management: From Storytelling to Strategic Narratives2023
Alcina Maria de Almeida R. NunesBusiness Creation in Portugal: A Viewpoint on Data Comparison2014
Laurentina Maria da Cruz VareiroChanges in the Guimaraes visitors' profile and the city attributes perceptions in the post hosting of the 2012 European Capital of Culture2017
Bruno Miguel Sousa, Pedro Manuel da Costa LiberatoCitybranding: Generation of Brands in the Cities of Mindelo and Praia, Cape Verde2024
Bruno Miguel SousaCombat to Abandonment and Mistreatment of Animals: A Case Study Applied to the Public Security Police (Portugal)2019
Paula Odete FernandesConnecting Funding to Entrepreneurs: A Profile of the Main Crowdfunding Platforms2017
Helena Santos-RodriguesContext and Personality in Personal and Work-Related Subjective Well-Being: The Influence of Networks, Organizational Trust, and Personality2019
Manuel José Serra da Fonseca, Alexandra Isabela Lopes Correia, Bruno Miguel SousaCooperation as a Basic Strategy for New Dynamics of a Cross-Border Destination: The Case of the Euroregion Galicia and Northern Portugal2022
Fernanda Amélia Fernandes Ferreira, Fernando Flávio Ribeiro Oliveira FerreiraDesirable Role in a Revenue-Maximizing Tariff Model with Uncertainty2011
Paula Odete Fernandes, Elaine Cristina Borges Scalabrini, Jessica Patrícia Miranda FerreiraDestination Image Through TripAdvisors Reviews Analysis2023
Sérgio Dominique Ferreira LopesDeveloping an Integrated Communication Plan in the Digital Age2023
Sérgio Dominique Ferreira LopesDifferent Perceptions of Nature2023
Luísa LopesDigital Communication on Higher Education Institutions: Challenges and Tools for Research2021
Elisabete da Anunciação Paulo MoraisDigital Marketing and User-Generated Content: A Case Study of Vidago Palace Hotel2022
Bruno Miguel Sousa, Dália Filipa Veloso de Azevedo Liberato, Pedro Manuel da Costa LiberatoDiversity in Tourism Demand and the Revisiting of Sustainable and Pilgrimage Destinations: An Approach to the Ways of St. James2024
Pedro CarvalhoDo neighbouring countries encourage the demand of international business tourism?2016