Showing 21-23 of 23 items.
Paula Odete Fernandes, Alcina Maria de Almeida R. Nunes, Alexandra Isabela Lopes Correia

Fernandes, P.O., Anjos, P., Correia, A., Nunes, A. (2023). The Intervention of Local Authorities on the Management of Outdoor Tourism: The Case of Northern Portugal. In: Mesquita, A., Abreu, A., Carvalho, J.V., de Mello, C.H.P. (eds) Perspectives and Trends in Education and Technology . Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, vol 320 (pp. 463-475) . Springer, Singapore.

Paula Odete Fernandes, Fernanda Amélia Fernandes Ferreira, Alcina Maria de Almeida R. Nunes, Elvira Pacheco Vieira, Manuel José Serra da Fonseca, Alexandra Isabela Lopes Correia, Elaine Cristina Borges Scalabrini

Scalabrini, E. et al. (2023). The Use of Mobile Technology in Outdoor Tourism: A Systematic Review. In: Mesquita, A., Abreu, A., Carvalho, J.V., de Mello, C.H.P. (eds) Perspectives and Trends in Education and Technology . Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, vol 320 (pp. 667-675). Springer, Singapore.

Alexandra Isabela Lopes Correia

Sampaio, H.A., Correia, A.I., Melo, C., Silva, A., Shehada, S. (2023). Using Technology in Tourism: A Twofold Supply Perspective. In: Mesquita, A., Abreu, A., Carvalho, J.V., de Mello, C.H.P. (eds) Perspectives and Trends in Education and Technology . Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, vol 320. Springer, Singapore.