Helena Santos-Rodrigues | The management of knowledge and intellectual capital | 2006 |
Helena Santos-Rodrigues | The knowledge management and intellectual capital | 2006 |
Helena Santos-Rodrigues | Knowledge combination and innovativeness | 2007 |
Helena Santos-Rodrigues | LEARNING IN A VIRTUAL ENVIRONMENT - A SUCCESS | 2009 |
Helena Santos-Rodrigues | Virtual learning environment - A successful case | 2009 |
Helena Santos-Rodrigues | The Relation Between Network of Collaboration (as a Relational Capital Dimension) and Firm Innovativeness | 2010 |
Helena Santos-Rodrigues | Intellectual Capital and a Firm's Innovativeness | 2011 |
Helena Santos-Rodrigues | The Human and Structural Capital Influence on the Launch of Own Brand Product Innovation | 2012 |
Helena Santos-Rodrigues | System of Innovation and innovative SMEs: A Model to Measure the Intellectual Capital of SMEs | 2012 |
Helena Santos-Rodrigues | A Influência do capital intelectual na capacidade inovadora de um hospital | 2012 |
Helena Santos-Rodrigues | Intellectual capital and financial results: A case study | 2012 |
Helena Santos-Rodrigues | The Role of Intellectual Capital in the Entrepreneurial Firm Innovation | 2013 |
Helena Santos-Rodrigues | Human Capital and Financial Results: A Case Study | 2013 |
Helena Santos-Rodrigues | Intellectual Capital and Innovation: A Hospital Case Study | 2013 |
Helena Santos-Rodrigues | Product Innovation Building, the Relevance of Human Capital: A Case Study | 2013 |
Helena Santos-Rodrigues | Designing innovation with craft-evolution to develop sustainability | 2013 |
Helena Santos-Rodrigues | Relational Capital and Financial Results: A Case Study | 2014 |
Helena Santos-Rodrigues | Structural Capital and Financial Results: A Case Study | 2014 |
Helena Santos-Rodrigues | Family and Co-workers Networks in Subjective Well-being and Job Satisfaction: Study about Happiness in northern Portugal and Galicia (Spain) | 2015 |
Helena Santos-Rodrigues | Gestão do conhecimento: um estudo sobre a influência das redes de colaboração no bem-estar e satisfação no trabalho: aplicação do Norte de Portugal e Galiza (Espanha) | 2015 |