Paula Odete Fernandes | Influence amplified: Leveraging the power of influencer marketing in the digital age | 2024 |
Paula Odete Fernandes, Bruno Miguel Sousa | Relationship management between consumers and suppliers: An exploratory approach | 2024 |
Paula Odete Fernandes, Fernanda Amélia Fernandes Ferreira, Alcina Maria de Almeida R. Nunes, Manuel José Serra da Fonseca | Outdoor solutions for the seasonal concentration of tourism demand in northern portugal: An integrated approach based on the gini index | 2020 |
Paula Odete Fernandes, Alcina Maria de Almeida R. Nunes | Agrotourism as an opportunity to enhance the development and competitiveness of rural areas | 2019 |
Paula Odete Fernandes | Deepening the use of social media and tourism travel behaviour | 2019 |
Paula Odete Fernandes | Handbook of research on social media applications for the tourism and hospitality sector | 2019 |
Paula Odete Fernandes | Preface | 2019 |
Paula Odete Fernandes | Clustering global entrepreneurship through data mining technique | 2017 |
Paula Odete Fernandes | Clustering global entrepreneurship through data mining technique | 2015 |
Paula Odete Fernandes, João Paulo Ramos Teixeira | Tourism time series forecast | 2015 |
Paula Odete Fernandes | Student perception of quality in higher education institutions | 2014 |
Paula Odete Fernandes | Academic Entrepreneurship Framework: The Best Practices of IPB | 2013 |
Paula Odete Fernandes | Agenda Estratégica dos Territorios de Fronteira Interior/Transmontana | 2013 |
Paula Odete Fernandes, João Paulo Ramos Teixeira | A Data como Índice no Modelo de Redes Neuronais Artificiais para Previsão de Séries Temporais de Turismo - Aplicação à Região da Madeira | 2011 |