Showing 301-320 of 454 items.
Paula Odete Fernandes, João Paulo Ramos Teixeira

Pinheiro, P., Fernandes, P. O., & Teixeira, J. P. (2019). Audiobook-the paradigm of the portuguese publishing market. Journal of EU Research in Business2019, 1-21.

Paula Odete Fernandes

Ferreira, Â. P., Gonçalves Ramos, J., & Fernandes, P. O. (2019). A linear regression pattern for electricity price forecasting in the Iberian electricity market. Revista Facultad de Ingeniería Universidad de Antioquia, (93), 117-127.

Ricardo Alexandre Fontes Correia

Franco, A., Correia, R., & Meneses, R. (2019). The 5 senses associated with Portugal in the tourist perspective. RISTI-Revista Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação, (24), 272-286.

Bruno Miguel Sousa

Vilas-Boas, V. & Sousa, B. (2019). The Role of Service Quality in Predisposition for Portuguese Online Commerce. Quality - Access to Success, Vol. 20, No. 173, 12-17; e-ISSN 2668-4861.

Paula Odete Fernandes, João Paulo Ramos Teixeira, Mariana Namen Jatobá, Ives Emídio Gutierriz

Jatoba, M. N., Gutierriz, I. E., Fernandes, P. O., Teixeira, J. P., & Moscon, D. (2019). Artificial intelligence in the recrutment & selection: innovation and impacts for the human resources management. In 43rd International scientific conference on economics and social development (pp. 96-104).

Paula Odete Fernandes

Walter, C. E., Veloso, C. M., & Fernandes, P. O. (2019). Measuring the degree of innovation in micro and small enterprises in the Northeast of Brazil. Holos35(7), 13.

Paula Odete Fernandes, Isabel Maria Lopes, Mariana Namen Jatobá, Ives Emídio Gutierriz

Gutierriz, I., Lopes, I., Rodriguez, V., Fernandes, P. O., & Jatobá, M. (2019). O QR Code como ferramenta de divulgação da cultura e promoção da cidade de Salvador (Brasil). Revista Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação, (E24), 140-150.

Amélia Maria Martins Pires

Pires, A. M. M. & Rodrigues, F. J. P. A. (2019). Evolução previsível da contabilidade no setor público em Portugal: uma interpretação a partir do grau de implementação das principais reformas e das características da envolvente. Revista Gestin, Ano XV, n.º 16/17, junho e dezembro.

Paula Odete Fernandes

Walter, C. E., Veloso, C. M., & Fernandes, P. O. (2019). The determinants of innovation in micro and small enterprises in the northeast of Brazil. Calitatea20(172), 84-88.

Paula Odete Fernandes, João Paulo Ramos Teixeira

Jakovljevic, M., Fernandes, P. O., Teixeira, J. P., Rancic, N., Timofeyev, Y., & Reshetnikov, V. (2019). Underlying differences in health spending within the World Health Organisation Europe Region—comparing EU15, EU post-2004, CIS, EU candidate, and CARINFONET countries. International journal of environmental research and public health16(17), 3043.

Paula Odete Fernandes

Cabeça Serapicos, A. J., Mendes Leite, J., & Fernandes, P. O. (2019). Agency theory approach of the relationship between performance, compensation and value creation in the companies listed on Euronext Lisbon. Contaduría y administración64(3).


Veloso, C. M., & Monte, A. P. (2019). Validation of a measurement scale of service quality, image, customer satisfaction and loyalty in traditional trade. Tourism & Management Studies, 15(3), 27-35.

Bruno Miguel Sousa

Sousa, B., & Rodrigues, S. (2019). The role of personal brand on consumer behaviour in tourism contexts: the case of Madeira. Enlightening Tourism. A Pathmaking Journal. 9(1), 38-62. 

Bruno Miguel Sousa, Maria Alexandra Pereira da Silva Malheiro

Malheiro, A.; Sousa, B. & Ferreira, L. (2019). Compreender o papel das redes sociais no comportamento do consumidor: a perspetiva do setor hoteleiro na região norte. Revista Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação (RISTI), E24 (11), pp. 299-312.

Bruno Miguel Sousa

Pinto da Silva, F., Brandão, F., & Sousa, B. (2019). Towards socially sustainable tourism in cities: local community perceptions and development guidelines. Enlightening Tourism. A Pathmaking Journal, 9(2), 168-198 

Bruno Miguel Sousa, Jessica Patrícia Miranda Ferreira

Ferreira, J., Sousa, B. and Gonçalves, F.  (2019). Encouraging the subsistence artisan entrepreneurship in handicraft and creative contexts. Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy, Vol. 13 No. 1/2, pp. 64-83.

Bruno Miguel Sousa

Sousa, B. and Alves, G. (2019) The role of relationship marketing in behavioural intentions of medical tourism services and guest experiences. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights, Vol. 2 No. 3, pp. 224-240. 

Bruno Miguel Sousa

Sousa, B. & Rocha, A. T. (2019). The role of attachment in public management and place marketing contexts: a case study applied to Vila de Montalegre (Portugal). International Journal of Public Sector Performance Management, Vol. 5, N. 2, pp. 189-205.

Bruno Miguel Sousa

Casais, B. & Sousa, B. (2019). Portugal, the best destination’: the case study of a CSR communication that changed mentalities and increased business performance. World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sust. Development, Vol. 15, Nos. 1/2, pp. 29-41 

Bruno Miguel Sousa

Macedo, C., & Sousa, B. (2019). A acessibilidade no etourism: um estudo na ótica das pessoas portadoras de necessidades especiais. PASOS. Revista de Turismo y Patrimonio Cultural, 17(4), Julio-Septiembre, pp. 709-723.