Showing 1-20 of 715 items.
Fernando Flávio Ribeiro Oliveira FerreiraExplosion of smoothness from a point to everywhere for conjugacies between Markov families2001
António Borges FernandesThe practice of real estate valuation in Portugal2002
Fernando Flávio Ribeiro Oliveira FerreiraExplosion of smoothness from a point to everywhere for conjugacies between diffeomorphisms on surfaces2003
Luís Carlos Magalhães PiresAutonomous Production Systems in virtual enterprises2005
António Borges FernandesThe clusters development as a factor of competitive advantage2006
Fernando Flávio Ribeiro Oliveira FerreiraCantor exchange systems and renormalization2007
Fernando Flávio Ribeiro Oliveira FerreiraHausdorff dimension bounds for smoothness of holonomies for codimension 1 hyperbolic dynamics2007
Isabel Maria LopesSupercritical carbon dioxide extraction of acorn oil2007
Luís Carlos Magalhães PiresThe role of Bill of Materials and Movements (BOMM) in the virtual enterprises environment2008
Paula Odete Fernandes, João Paulo Ramos TeixeiraModelling tourism demand: A comparative study between artificial neural networks and the Box-Jenkins methodology2008
Amélia Maria Martins PiresNecessidade de adaptar e ajustar a IAS 41 ao sector agrícola português2008
Pedro Manuel Miranda NunesParticipação das mulheres na política autárquica em Portugal nos últimos 25 anos (1982 a 2005): especial relevo para as mulheres eleitas apuradas para a presidência dos órgãos2008
Paula Odete Fernandes, Alcina Maria de Almeida R. NunesPode uma Nova Metodologia de Ensino Melhorar Resultados? Avaliação Microeconométrica do Sucesso Escolar2008
Elvira Pacheco VieiraThe innovation factor in the productive process: Comparative study of European NUTS II, 1995-20022008
Raquel Bernardette Vale MendesThe wage gap among male and female top managers2008
Fernanda Amélia Fernandes Ferreira, Fernando Flávio Ribeiro Oliveira Ferreira‘Own’ price influences in a Stackelberg leadership with demand uncertainty2008
Paulo A. da Rocha Armada de C. LeiteConditioning information in mutual fund performance evaluation: Portuguese evidence2009
Maria Alexandra Pereira da Silva MalheiroDo consumers care about ethics? A cross-cultural study2009
João Paulo VieitoExecutive compensation: NYSE and NASDAQ listed firms2009
Paulo A. da Rocha Armada de C. LeiteMeasuring fund performance using multi-factor models: Evidence for the Portuguese market2009