Showing 261-280 of 668 items.
Paula Odete Fernandes, João Paulo Ramos TeixeiraReal GDP growth rates and healthcare spending–comparison between the G7 and the EM7 countries2020
Isabel Maria LopesGeneral Data Protection Regulation in Health Clinics2020
Bruno Miguel SousaSemiotics and e-branding in tourism communication: Study of the covers of digital magazines in the pandemic period COVID-19 | [Semiótica e e-branding em comunicação de turismo: Estudo das capas de revistas digitais no período pandémico COVID-19]2020
Bruno Miguel SousaLoyalty of national guests: A case study of the douro hospitality2020
João Paulo VieitoProactive government intervention, board gender balance, and stakeholder engagement in China and Europe2020
Bruno Miguel SousaThe role of integrated marketing communications in brand equity: An exploratory approach2020
Bruno Miguel SousaEmployer branding applied to smes: A pioneering model proposal for attracting and retaining talent2020
Carlos Rompante da Cunha, Elisabete da Anunciação Paulo MoraisThe information and communication technologies in tourism degree courses: the Portugal and Spain evolution2020
Bruno Miguel SousaThe relationship between experiential marketing and determinants of quality service in the banking market2020
Isabel Maria LopesInfluence of maritime interests in the economy of Ecuador2020
Fernanda Amélia Fernandes FerreiraAn ERP selection using a hybrid methodology2020
Elvira Pacheco VieiraThe evaluation of municipal tourist tax awareness: The case of the city of porto2020
Laurentina Maria da Cruz VareiroSatisfaction with Braga (Portugal) and recommendation: a comparison between information coming from relatives/friends and from other sources2020
Isabel Maria LopesImpact of brand loyalty and online impulse buying on the consumer’s attitude towards the brand2020
Nuno Adriano Baptista RibeiroLocal governments' efficiency: Study of its determinants2020
Orlando Manuel Martins M. Lima RuaRelationship marketing and intangible resources: The mediating effect of loyalty2020
Paula Odete Fernandes, Fernanda Amélia Fernandes Ferreira, Alcina Maria de Almeida R. Nunes, Elvira Pacheco Vieira, Manuel José Serra da Fonseca, Alexandra Isabela Lopes CorreiaProductivity Measurement: The Case of Nature Tourism Firms in Portugal2020
Carlos Rompante da Cunha, Elisabete da Anunciação Paulo MoraisA importância do marketing digital na hotelaria: caso de estudo do Hotel Turismo São Lázaro = The importance of digital marketing in hospitality: case study of Hotel Turismo São Lázaro2020
Bruno Miguel SousaThe role of digital communication in changing population behaviors and regional development | [O papel da comunicação digital na mudança de comportamentos dos cidadãos em benefício da comunidade local]2020
Bruno Miguel SousaThe quality of communication and fake news in tourism: A segmented perspective2020