Showing 41-60 of 454 items.
Bruno Miguel Sousa, Maria Alexandra Pereira da Silva Malheiro

Ferreira, L., & Sousa, B. B. (2022). Understanding the role of social networks in consumer behavior in tourism: A business approach. In Research Anthology on Social Media Advertising and Building Consumer Relationships (pp. 1758-1775). IGI Global. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-6287-4.ch095


Ferreira, F., & Bode, O. R. (2022). Licensing by fixed-fee and two-part tariff in a differentiated Stackelberg model when the follower is the innovator. Journal of Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 11(04), 805–815.


Dominique-Ferreira, S., Braga, R. J., & Rodrigues, B. Q. (2022). Role and effect of traditional markets: The internationally awarded case of Barcelos. Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science32(3), 470-492.

Bruno Miguel Sousa

de Amorim, L. A., Sousa, B. B., Dias, A. L., & Santos, V. R. (2022). Exploring the outcomes of digital marketing on historic sites' visitor behaviour. Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development.

João Paulo Vieito

Choijil, E., Méndez, C. E., Wong, W. K., Vieito, J. P., & Batmunkh, M. U. (2022). Thirty years of herd behavior in financial markets: A bibliometric analysis. Research in International Business and Finance59, 101506.

Bruno Miguel Sousa

Cardoso, R., Veloso, C. M., & Sousa, B. (2022). A Lealdade da Geração Z ao Metro do Porto Contributo para o Desenvolvimento Regional. RPER, (62), 143-159.

Elvira Pacheco Vieira

Borges, A. P., Vieira, E., & Lopes, J. M. (2022). Emotional intelligence profile of tourists and its impact on tourism. Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism23(5), 1276-1297. DOI: 10.1080/1528008X.2021.1964413

João Paulo Ramos Teixeira

Araújo, T., Teixeira, J. P., & Rodrigues, P. M. (2022). Smart-data-driven system for alzheimer disease detection through electroencephalographic signals. Bioengineering9(4), 141.

Elvira Pacheco Vieira

Vieira, E., Borges, A. P., & Rodrigues, P. (2021). Exploring the relationship between the length of stay and various determinants at one of the best European destinations. Tourism and Hospitality Research21(4), 389-401. DOI: 10.1177/14673584211013509

Bruno Miguel Sousa

Veloso, C. M., Walter, C. E., Sousa, B., Au-Yong-Oliveira, M., Santos, V., & Valeri, M. (2021). Academic tourism and transport services: Student perceptions from a social responsibility perspective. Sustainability13(16), 8794.

Bruno Miguel Sousa

Veloso, C. M., Magalhães, D., Sousa, B. B., Walter, C. E., & Valeri, M. (2021). Encouraging consumer loyalty: the role of family business in hospitality. Journal of Family Business Management.

Laurentina Maria da Cruz Vareiro, Bruno Miguel Sousa

Vareiro, L., Sousa, B.B., & Silva, S.S. (2021). The importance of museums in the tourist development and the motivations of their visitors: an analysis of the Costume Museum in Viana do Castelo. Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development, 11 (1): 39-57. 

Laurentina Maria da Cruz Vareiro

Silva, S., & Vareiro, L. (2021). Perceção e atitude da comunidade local do Norte de Portugal face ao mercado e turismo LGBT. Journal of Tourism and Development - Revista Turismo & Desenvolvimento, 36 (2): 303-318. 

Paula Odete Fernandes, Fernanda Amélia Fernandes Ferreira, Alcina Maria de Almeida R. Nunes, Elvira Pacheco Vieira, Manuel José Serra da Fonseca, Alexandra Isabela Lopes Correia

Silva, G., Correia, A. I., Rachão, S., Nunes, A., Vieira, E., Santos, S., Soares, L., Fonseca, M., Ferreira, F., Veloso, C., Carrança, P. & Fernandes, P. O. (2021). A methodology for the identification and assessment of the conditions for the practice of Outdoor and Sport Tourism-related activities: The Case of Northern Portugal. Sustainability, 13(13), 1-16.

Elvira Pacheco Vieira

Rodrigues, P., Borges, A. P., & Vieira, E. P. (2021). Corporate social responsibility image and emotions for the competitiveness of tourism destinations. Journal of Place Management and Development14(2), 134-147. DOI: 10.1108/JPMD-01-2020-0005

Elvira Pacheco Vieira

Rodrigues, P., Borges, A. P., & Vieira, E. (2021). The mediating role of brand experience in a mid-sized city. International Journal of Business Excellence25(1), 110-135.

Isabel Maria Lopes

Ribeiro, M. I., Fernandes, A., Lopes, I. M., & Fernandes, A. P. (2021). Job satisfaction versus absenteeism in municipalities from Bragança district, Portugal. IBIMA Business Review, 2021.

Isabel Maria Lopes

Ribeiro, M. I., Fernandes, A. J., Lopes, I., & Guarda, T. (2021). Business to Consumer (B2C): barreiras à compra online identificadas por estudantes do ensino superior em Portugal. Revista Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação, (E41), 207-220.

Elvira Pacheco Vieira

Reis, A. M., Vieira, E. P., & Borges, A. P. (2021). Determinants of tourist expenditure: the role of tourists' experiences in the city of Porto. International Journal of Tourism Policy11(1), 73-87. DOI: 10.1504/IJTP.2021.114457

Sérgio Dominique Ferreira Lopes

Prentice, C., Nguyen, M., Nandy, P., Winardi, M. A., Chen, Y., Le Monkhouse, L., ... & Stantic, B. (2021). Relevant, or irrelevant, external factors in panic buying. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services61, 102587.