Showing 241-260 of 668 items.
Vânia Natércia Gonçalves CostaTourism and air transport - an economic evaluation of the Oporto Airport expansion project2020
Development proposal for the trás-os-montes wine route: Technology as a differentiating element2020
People: The most important marketing asset of territories2020
Ricardo Alexandre Fontes CorreiaRota dos Vinhos de Trás-os-Montes: Uma Proposta de Desenvolvimento2020
Bruno Miguel SousaHeterogeneity of motivations and conflicts in pilgrim-to-pilgrim interaction: A research on the way of Saint James2020
Bruno Miguel SousaThe role of technology in monitoring good practices for accessible tourism in the city of braga (Portugal) | [O papel da tecnologia na monitorização de boas práticas para o turismo acessível na cidade de braga (Portugal)]2020
Laurentina Maria da Cruz Vareiro, Bruno Miguel SousaUm olhar exploratório sobre o Turismo Voluntário2020
Elvira Pacheco VieiraPorto street stage at Rally Portugal: the determinants of the length of stay2020
Sérgio Dominique Ferreira LopesEstimating the price range and the effect of price bundling strategies: An application to the hotel sector2020
Laurentina Maria da Cruz VareiroA percepção e atitude na hotelaria face ao mercado LGBT: o caso do Norte de Portugal.2020
Paulo A. da Rocha Armada de C. LeiteInvestment and profitability factors in mutual fund performance evaluation: a conditional approach2020
Paula Odete Fernandes, João Paulo Ramos TeixeiraReal GDP growth rates and healthcare spending - Comparison between the G7 and the EM7 countries2020
Paula Odete Fernandes, João Paulo Ramos TeixeiraVocal acoustic analysis: Ann versos SVM in classification of dysphonic voices and vocal cords paralysis2020
Nuno Adriano Baptista Ribeiro, Sónia Paula NogueiraLocal governments' efficiency: Study of its determinants2020
Laurentina Maria da Cruz VareiroSatisfaction with Braga (Portugal) and recommendation: A comparison between information coming from relatives/friends and from other sources2020
Laurentina Maria da Cruz VareiroHotel perception and attitude towards the LGBT market: The case of Northern Portugal2020
João Paulo VieitoProactive government intervention, board gender balance, and stakeholder engagement in China and Europe2020
João Paulo VieitoStock exchange mergers: a dynamic correlation analysis on Euronext2020
Orlando Manuel Martins M. Lima RuaRelationship marketing and intangible resources: The mediating effect of loyalty2020
Orlando Manuel Martins M. Lima RuaLinking municipal Best Value and market performance: the Portuguese experience2020