Isabel Maria Lopes | Computational simulation of the COVID-19 epidemic with the SEIR stochastic model | 2023 |
Isabel Maria Lopes | Business to consumer (B2c): Factors preventing online purchase by students of higher education in portugal | 2021 |
Isabel Maria Lopes | Job Satisfaction Versus Absenteeism in Municipalities from Bragana District, Portugal | 2021 |
Isabel Maria Lopes | General Data Protection Regulation in Health Clinics | 2020 |
Isabel Maria Lopes | Impact of brand loyalty and online impulse buying on the consumers attitude towards the brand | 2020 |
Isabel Maria Lopes | Influence of maritime interests in the economy of ecuador | 2020 |
Isabel Maria Lopes | E-commerce: the perception and experience of young e-buyers of Portuguese higher education | 2019 |
Isabel Maria Lopes | Implementation of ISO 27001 Standards as GDPR Compliance Facilitator | 2019 |
Isabel Maria Lopes | Importance of information technologies in the demand for a tourist destination: The case of a Portuguese smart city | 2019 |
Paula Odete Fernandes, Isabel Maria Lopes, Mariana Namen Jatobá, Ives Emídio Gutierriz | O QR Code como ferramenta de divulgação da cultura e promoção da cidade de Salvador (Brasil) | 2019 |
Isabel Maria Lopes | Políticas de Segurança e Privacidade: Forma e Fundo | 2019 |
Paula Odete Fernandes, Isabel Maria Lopes, Mariana Namen Jatobá, Ives Emídio Gutierriz | Qr code as a tool to promote the culture and promotion of the city of salvador (Brazil) | 2019 |
Isabel Maria Lopes | Security and privacy policies: Shape and background | 2019 |
Isabel Maria Lopes | Special Section: Intelligent fuzzy theory in engineering and science, Guest editors: Teresa Guarda, Isabel Lopes and lvaro Rocha | 2019 |
Isabel Maria Lopes, Mariana Namen Jatobá, Ives Emídio Gutierriz | The QR code and the forms of creative perception in cemetery tourism | 2019 |
Isabel Maria Lopes | Adoption of information sistems security policies in Mozambican universities | 2018 |
Isabel Maria Lopes | Aplicabilidade do Regulamento Geral sobre Proteção de Dados em Clínicas de Saúde | 2018 |
Isabel Maria Lopes | Applicability of the general data protection regulation in health clinics | 2018 |
Isabel Maria Lopes | Evaluation of the Implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation in Health Clinics | 2018 |
Isabel Maria Lopes | Adoption of an Information Systems Security Policy in Small and Medium Sized Enterprises | 2016 |