Showing 41-60 of 85 items.
Paula Odete Fernandes

Veloso, C. M., Lunga, D., & Fernandes, P. O. (2017). The teachers’ satisfaction in higher education institutions as key factor of the strategic management and of the organizational competitiveness. Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology2017, 633-644.

Paula Odete Fernandes

Veloso, C. M., Lunga, D., & Fernandes, P. O. (2017). Toward a quality measure of angolan public higher education institutions to enhance organizational performance. Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology2017, 718-729.

Paula Odete Fernandes

Veloso, C. M., Magueta, D., Fernandes, P. O., & Ribeiro, H. (2017). The effects of customer satisfaction service quality and perceived value on behavioural intentions in retail industry. In 23nd International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development (pp. 330-342). Economic and Social Development.

Paula Odete Fernandes

Veloso, C. M., Ribeiro, H., Alves, S. R., & Fernandes, P. O. (2017). Determinants of customer satisfaction and loyalty in the traditional retail service. Economic and Social Development: Book of Proceedings, 470-485.

Paula Odete Fernandes, Pedro Manuel Miranda Nunes

 Fernandes, P. O., Nunes, P. M., & Castro, C. (2016). Competitividade Intra-Regional no Norte de Portugal. Revista População e Sociedade, 26, 11-28. ISSN 0873-1861-26 

Paula Odete Fernandes, João Paulo Ramos Teixeira

Constantino, H. A., Fernandes, P. O., & Teixeira, J. P. (2016). Tourism demand modelling and forecasting with artificial neural network models: The Mozambique case study. Tékhne Review of Applied Management Studies, 14(2), 113-124.

Paula Odete Fernandes

Esteves, E., & Fernandes, P.O. (2016). Fatores de Eleição do Destino Turístico Alto Trás-os-Montes (Portugal): Uma Análise Multivariada. Revista Anais Brasileiros de Estudos Turísticos, 6(2), 40-48. DOI: [ISI Index].

Paula Odete Fernandes

Esteves, E., & Fernandes, P.O. (2016). Perfil do visitante praticante de atividades de animação turística da região Alto Trás-os-Montes. Revista GESTIN (12), 149-162. ISSN 1645-2534.

Paula Odete Fernandes

Leite, A. A., Fernandes, P. O., & Leite, J. M. (2016). Contingent factors that influence the use of management accounting parcices in the Portuguese textile and clothing sector. The International Journal of Management Science and Information Technology (IJMSIT), (19), 59-77.

Paula Odete Fernandes, Jorge Afonso Alves, Nuno Adriano Baptista Ribeiro, António Borges Fernandes

Ribeiro, N., Monte, A., Fernandes, A., Leite, J., Alves, J., Lopes, J., & Fernandes, P. O. (2016). El desarrollo sostenible: nuevos retos para la contabilidad y gestión. AECA: Revista de la Asociación Española de Contabilidad y Administración de Empresas, 113, 10-12. ISSN 1577-2403.

Paula Odete Fernandes

Roberto, I., Fernandes, P.O., & Veiga, A. (2016). Proposal of a Tangible User Interface to Increase Accessibility in Geological Exhibitions and the Experience of Museums Visitors. Procedia Computer Science, 100, 832-839. DOI: [SCOPUS Index].

Paula Odete Fernandes

Ferreira, H., & Fernandes, P. (2015). Identification of Critical Success Factors that Maximize Customer’s Satisfaction: a Multivariate Analysis. Tourism & Management Studies Journal. 11(1), 164-172, ISSN: 2182-8466.  [ISI Index].

Paula Odete Fernandes

Ferreira, H., & Fernandes, P.O. (2015). Importance-performance Analysis Applied to a Laboratory Supplies and Equipment Company. Procedia Computer Science, 64, 824-831. [ISI Index].

Paula Odete Fernandes

Fontoura, M. D. F. V., & Fernandes, P. O. (2015). Descentralização de serviços públicos em Portugal continental: A eficácia dos PAC. Tourism & Management Studies11(2), 159-166.

Paula Odete Fernandes

Monteiro, M., & Fernandes, P. O. (2015). Tourism destinations competitiveness: the case of Cape Verde islands. PASOS: Revista de Turismo y Patrimonio Cultural13(4, Special Issue), 875-896.

Paula Odete Fernandes

Monteiro, M., & Fernandes, P.O. (2015). Competitividade de destinos turísticos: o caso das ilhas de Cabo Verde. Pasos: Revista de Turismo y Patrimonio Cultural, 13(4), 875-896.

Paula Odete Fernandes

Pais, C., Fernandes, P. O., France, J. A. S. C., & Costa, S. A. C. D. (2015). Serão as políticas institucionais mandatórias, assim tão mandatórias? Qual o grau de cumprimento? O caso da Biblioteca Digital do IPB. Ponto de Acesso9, 3-17.

Paula Odete Fernandes, João Paulo Ramos Teixeira

Teixeira, J. P., & Fernandes, P. O. (2015). Acoustic Analysis of Vocal Dysphonia. Procedia Computer Science - Elsevier, 64, 466 - 473.

Paula Odete Fernandes, Cláudia Filipa Gomes Cardoso

Esteves, E., Cardoso, C., & Fernandes, P. (2014). Animação turística como fator de eleição e de atração de um destino. Revista Turismo & Desenvolvimento, (21/22), 59-61.

Paula Odete Fernandes, João Paulo Ramos Teixeira

Santos, N., Fernandes, P., & Teixeira, J. (2014). A comparison of linear and non linear models to forecast the tourism demand in the North of Portugal. Revista de Ciencias Administrativas: Teoría y praxis, 2, 91-104. ISSN:1405-924X.