Showing 681-700 of 729 items.
Pedro Manuel Miranda NunesO valor da marca- O caso Danrise2011
Carlos Rompante da Cunha, Elisabete da Anunciação Paulo MoraisPromoting Ubiquity and Interoperability among Health Information Systems Using an SOA Based Architecture2011
Helena Santos-RodriguesThe main intellectual capital components that are relevant to the product, process and management firm Innovativeness2011
Paula Odete FernandesA procura turística na Região Norte de Portugal: modelo logaritmo vs modelo de primeiras diferenças2011
Ricardo Alexandre Fontes CorreiaA Importância do Marketing para o Desenvolvimento Turístico: O caso de Montalegre2011
Paula Odete FernandesCase Study of Multiple-Hydraulic-Fracture Completion in a Subsea Horizontal Well, Campos Basin2010
Raquel Bernardette Vale MendesGlass ceilings in portugal? an analysis of the gender wage gap using a quantile regression approach2010
Fernando Flávio Ribeiro Oliveira FerreiraArc exchange systems and renormalization2010
Elvira Pacheco VieiraSocial capital and growth in European regions2010
Elvira Pacheco VieiraEntrepreneurship and economic growth in Spanish and Portuguese regions2010
João Paulo VieitoNews insights on executive compensation2010
Laurentina Maria da Cruz VareiroPortugal's Minho-Lima region as a tourist destination: Tourism operators' attitudes towards its management and promotion2010
Carlos Rompante da CunhaContextualized ubiquity: A new opportunity for rendering business information and services2010
Carlos Rompante da CunhaThe use of mobile devices with multi-tag technologies for an overall contextualized vineyard management2010
Isabel Maria LopesAn integer programming model for the Minimum Interval Graph Completion Problem2010
Pedro Manuel Miranda NunesConflicts of interest. Some reflections to the regime of post-public employment2010
Pedro Manuel Miranda NunesContradiction between the average age of retirement at the time of death and the average pension time for men and women in public employment in Portugal2010
Alexandra Isabela Lopes CorreiaCooperation between tourism and wine SMES’: Perceived Advantages and Disadvantages2010
Alexandrino Manuel Oliveira RibeiroDeterminantes da política de dividendos: Evidência empírica para as empresas não financeiras cotadas na Euronext Lisbon2010
Paula Odete Fernandes, João Paulo Ramos TeixeiraModelação da procura turística em Portugal: regressão linear versus redes neuronais artificiais2010