Showing 441-460 of 729 items.
Dália Filipa Veloso de Azevedo Liberato, Pedro Manuel da Costa LiberatoGovernance and cooperation in Euroregions: border tourism between Spain and Portugal2018
Isabel Maria LopesAdoption of information sistems security policies in Mozambican universities2018
Isabel Maria LopesApplicability of the general data protection regulation in health clinics2018
Orlando Manuel Martins M. Lima RuaLinking entrepreneurial orientation to brand reputation2018
Orlando Manuel Martins M. Lima RuaAssessing the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation, reputational resources and absorptive capability: A resource-based approach2018
Orlando Manuel Martins M. Lima RuaKey drivers of SMEs export performance: the mediating effect of competitive advantage2018
Orlando Manuel Martins M. Lima RuaFrom intangible resources to export performance: Exploring the mediating effect of absorptive capabilities and innovation2018
Orlando Manuel Martins M. Lima RuaFrom intention to entrepreneurial action: Assessing the impact of the barriers on the creation of new organizations2018
Paulo A. da Rocha Armada de C. LeiteThe performance of European SRI funds investing in bonds and their comparison to conventional funds2018
Sérgio Dominique Ferreira LopesThe key role played by intermediaries in the retail insurance distribution2018
Helena Santos-RodriguesThe impact of knowledge management factors in organizational sustainable competitive advantage2018
Elvira Pacheco VieiraThe evaluation of the perceived value of festival experiences: the case of Serralves em Festa!2018
João Paulo VieitoDoes corporate diversification create value in emerging markets? New evidence from Chile2018
Laurentina Maria da Cruz VareiroCultural destinations attributes and tourists satisfaction: Differences between first time and repeated visits2018
Fernanda Amélia Fernandes Ferreira, Fernando Flávio Ribeiro Oliveira FerreiraDomestic and international price-setting mixed triopolies2018
Fernanda Amélia Fernandes Ferreira, Fernando Flávio Ribeiro Oliveira FerreiraPrivatization and government preference: Cournot vs Bertrand models2018
Paula Odete FernandesManagement design as a strategic lever to add value to corporate reputation competitiveness in higher education institutions2018
Paula Odete FernandesEditorial2018
Paula Odete Fernandes, Amélia Maria Martins PiresThe importance to financial information in the decision-making process in company's family structure2018
Paula Odete Fernandes, Joaquim Agostinho Mendes LeiteAgency theory approach of the relationship between performance, compensation and value creation in the companies listed on Euronext Lisbon2018