Showing 261-280 of 729 items.
Laurentina Maria da Cruz Vareiro, Bruno Miguel SousaRiver tourism and local development in demarcated regions and the winegrowing context: A theoretical contribution2021
Laurentina Maria da Cruz Vareiro, Maria Alexandra Pereira da Silva MalheiroSatisfaction and Return to Local Festivities: The Case Study of the Festa das Cruzes (Barcelos)2021
Laurentina Maria da Cruz Vareiro, Maria Alexandra Pereira da Silva MalheiroAuthenticity and motivations in traditional events: The case of the festival of the crosses2021
Laurentina Maria da Cruz Vareiro, Bruno Miguel SousaThe importance of museums in the tourist development and the motivations of their visitors: an analysis of the Costume Museum in Viana do Castelo2021
Laurentina Maria da Cruz VareiroThe memorable consumer experience in luxury hotels: The case of the le monumental palace hotel2021
Laurentina Maria da Cruz VareiroPerception and attitude of the local community of northern portugal towards the lgbt market and tourism2021
Laurentina Maria da Cruz VareiroEnvironmental sustainability in hotels and the role of employees in implementing green practices: The case of meli braga hotel & spa2021
Laurentina Maria da Cruz Vareiro, Bruno Miguel SousaThe role of live marketing and sensory marketing in the rock in Rio Brassil 2017 event from the perspective of stakeholder offer and the dynamics of the destination2021
Carlos Rompante da Cunha, Elisabete da Anunciação Paulo Morais, Vítor José Domingues MendonçaLeveraging the creation and integration of Virtual Reality content through a collaborative platform: the case of the tourism sector2021
Fernanda Amélia Fernandes Ferreira, Fernando Flávio Ribeiro Oliveira FerreiraLicensing under Cournot vs Bertrand competition2021
Fernanda Amélia Fernandes Ferreira, Elga Cristina Vilela Viana Pereira da CostaPerceptions of covid-19's impact on outdoor tourism in the peneda-gers national park2021
Fernanda Amélia Fernandes Ferreira, Fernando Flávio Ribeiro Oliveira FerreiraComparison between different licensing schemes in a Stackelberg model when the follower is the innovator2021
Fernanda Amélia Fernandes FerreiraComplexity constraint in the distributors pallet loading problem2021
Paula Odete Fernandes, Fernanda Amélia Fernandes Ferreira, Alcina Maria de Almeida R. Nunes, Elvira Pacheco Vieira, Manuel José Serra da Fonseca, Alexandra Isabela Lopes CorreiaA methodology for the identification and assessment of the conditions for the practice of outdoor and sport tourism-related activities: The case of Northern Portugal2021
Paula Odete FernandesEditorial: Health Financing and Spending in Low- and Middle-Income Countries2021
Paula Odete Fernandes, Fernanda Amélia Fernandes Ferreira, Fernando Flávio Ribeiro Oliveira FerreiraPrice and quality competition in the restaurant industry: effects of restaurants reputation2021
Alcina Maria de Almeida R. NunesGanhos em saúde em utentes internados em unidades de media duração e reabilitação2021
Laurentina Maria da Cruz Vareiro, Maria Alexandra Pereira da Silva MalheiroA satisfação e o retorno às festividades locais: o caso da Festa das Cruzes, Barcelos,2021
Laurentina Maria da Cruz Vareiro, Bruno Miguel SousaO turismo fluvial e o desenvolvimento local em regiões demarcadas e contexto vinhateiro: um contributo teórico2021
Laurentina Maria da Cruz Vareiro Sustentabilidade ambiental nos hotéis e o papel dos colaboradores na implementação de práticas ecológicas: O caso do Meliá Braga Hotel & Spa2021