Roberto Ivo Fernandes Vaz

Roberto Vaz has a Ph.D. in Digital Media (Cum Laude) from the University of Porto and NOVA University of Lisbon, University of Texas at Austin - Portugal CoLab. Professor at the Instituto Politécnico de Bragança (IPB), Portugal, in the field of Digital Media Design (Art and Humanities). He graduated in Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering and has an MSc Degree in Interactive Multimedia Communication from the University of Aveiro. He participated in six national R&D projects and three international R&D projects (one as a co-responsible researcher). Published in multiple peer-reviewed journals, book chapters and proceedings, and did several communications at international scientific events. He serves as a member of the Organizing Committees for Scientific Committees of International Conferences and regularly collaborates as a reviewer for several international journals. His current research interests include inclusive tourism, human-computer interaction, accessibility, technology in museums, digital media, social and technology studies, and entrepreneurship. His work was recognized by 8 awards (three international and five national awards).